Aku baru tamat tgk anime skip beat
argh!!!!! (bagi aku jerit dulu eh)
geramnya dgn Tsuruga Ren
yang ada Yamashita Tomohisa ni versi drama .
Yah! why are you so slow?
i don't like this..
bila aku tgk muka Ren je aku nampak muka Si Won Choi.
aiii jeongmal!
aku rasa semua orang pun tahu pasal benda ni
bila tgk anime si rambut hitam mesti Tsuruga Ren.
Si Won pun rambut hitam sebab tulah aku rasa dia pegang watak Ren
macam ni :
Choi Siwon as Tsuruga Ren in Extravagant Challenge (Skip Beat!)
Choi Si-won as Dun Helian (敦賀蓮), based on the manga character Ren Tsuruga:
A famous young actor who takes his profession very seriously. He is one of the biggest stars in Taiwan and is under the same talent agency as Gong Xi.
Although he maintains a perfect public image, he initially shows signs of distaste towards Gong Xi, and is disgusted by her reasons for joining the show business.
However, he soon realizes Gong Xi's talent in acting and begins to support her endeavors.
He eventually falls in love with Gong Xi, but she is too concentrated on her motives to notice his pursuits.
Ni versi Taiwan. Siwon speaking mandarin beb !
haha! sabar-sabar
Di sebalik Ren, ada Sho.
Fuwa Sho nama sebenar dia Fuwa Shotaro
sesaja taknak pakai perkataan 'taro'
sebab pada dia itu agak ketinggalan zaman.
Tgk rambut Sho,
warna perang kan ..
bila aku tgk anime aku asyik nampak DONGHAE aje
yelah ..
Lee DongHae as Fuwa Sho
rambut shiny wink wink .~
Lee Dong-hae as Bu Po Shang (不破尚; lit. "Unbreakable Shang"), based on the manga character Sho Fuwa:
Born Shang Jieyong (尚界勇), Bu Po Shang is Gong Xi's childhood friend and love interest.
Although egotistical, arrogant, and cocky, he is an extremely talented musician.
Fully aware of Gong Xi's romantic feelings for him, he successfully convinces Gong Xi to travel with him to Taipei
to support him financially while he focuses on developing his singing career.
He ruthlessly deserts Gong Xi after becoming famous, and tells her that she should join the entertainment industry if she wants revenge.
Upon seeing Gong Xi's transformation, Bu Po Shang realizes that he had more feelings for her than he originally thought.
He holds great animosity towards Dun Helian because of his popularity and his close relationship with Gong Xi.
Lepas 2 lelaki mestilah ada 1 perempuan
aku pernah dengar orang kata
kalau ada sekumpulan lelaki
patutnya dalam sekumpulan lelaki tu mesti ada seorang perempuan
supaya diaorg tak bergaduh dan terus bergaduh
yg perempuan akan jadi mcm orang yg mengelakkan diaorg bergaduh
ya ke?
naluri lelaki ni pelik sikit .
ego dia pun pelik sikit.
tapi kesungguhan dia tak pelik sangat.
Mogami Kyoko
rupa sebelum dia potong rambut .
memang PLAIN JANE.
Korang sanggup tak nak pakai baju pink mcm ni ?
fuhh... jgn haraplah kalau nak suruh aku pakai mcm ni .
aku akan jadi rebel .
tajam erk mata dia.
ni masa dia tgh berlakon rasanya.
tapi aku impressed dgn dia
sebab kalau dia berlakon je ...
semua orang tergamam, ternganga, terjatuh, terpegun
terkejut pun ya .
Ivy Chen as Mogami Kyoko
Ivy Chen as Gong Xi (宮囍), based on the manga character Kyoko Mogami:
A bright and intelligent high school graduate who gives up her chances for university to support her childhood friend and love interest,
Bu Po Shang, in his pop idol career.
She later finds out that Bu Po Shang only used her for his own selfish reasons and had no intentions to spend the rest of his life with her.
Devastated and vengeful, Gong Xi vows that she will exact revenge.
Bu Po Shang tells her that the only way to do this is to join the entertainment industry and defeat him.
Gong Xi immediately auditions for L.M.E., Bu Po Shang's rival talent agency, and is accepted into
the company's new-found department, Love Me
nama costume ayam ni "Bo"
haha... comel giler
masa Bo ckp dgn Ren.
Ren tak tau pun sama Bo sampailah episod akhir.
Ren langsung tak tahu .. (slow)
Sebenarnya sebelum ni aku pernah dgr pasal skip beat
tapi aku tak tahu pun siwon dgn donghae.
yg aku terdengar desas desus masa darjah enam tu
Jerry Yan dgn Ariel Lin(it started with a kiss) yang akan act
tapi tahun ni org lain pulak .
apapun mesti tgk drama ni
About Skip Beat :
High school graduate Gong Xi gives up her chances for university in order to support her childhood friend and romantic goal, Bu Po Shang, in his pop idol career.
Upon arriving in Taipei, Gong Xi starts working on multiple jobs in order to support Bu Po Shang,
whose popularity quickly rises, eventually becoming one of the top idols in Taiwan.
One day, Gong Xi catches Bu Po Shang flirting with his manager, and learns that he only used her so she can help him with his living
Heart-broken and betrayed, Gong Xi vows to get revenge by becoming a bigger star than him.
Gong Xi auditions for L.M.E., Bu Po Shang's rival talent agency,
and joins L.M.E.'s new-found department "Love Me". At L.M.E.,
Gong Xi meets famous actor Dun Helian, who eventually falls in love with her.
aku rasa L.M.E tu singkatan bagi (Love Me Entertaiment)
memandai je.

Ni mother poster untuk Skip Beat taiwan.
nama lain Extravagant Challenge.
Format Serial
Ivy Chen
Choi Si-won
Lee Dong-hae
Bianca Bai
Opening theme:
"S.O.L.O." by Super Junior-M
Ending theme:
"Zhe Shi Ai" (這是愛) by Lee Dong-hae
(This is Love)
Country of origin:Republic of China (Taiwan)
Language(s) :Mandarin
No. of episodes:13
Original run:December 18, 2011 – March 17/11, 2012
18 december ni baru start.
sabor ajelah ..
Jom tgk drama ni, sebelum tu tgk anime dulu .
stop here ..
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